5. Exercises with display¶

Program the blocks needed to solve the following problems.
Hello World. The following program greets you by writing HELLO on the display. Modify the program so that two words appear. First the word HELLO will appear for a second. A proper name will then appear for another second. Examples: PEPE, LOLA, JUAn, ISA, LUCA, YAGO, BEA, HUGO, PEPA, SAUL, EnAr, ALAn, SArA, GArY, etc. When finished, the cycle will be repeated again.
Sliding Words. Modify the following program so that two words appear sliding to the left.
Countdown. The following program counts down from 10 seconds to zero. At the end of the count the red LED lights up. Modify the program so that it counts down for 10 seconds in tenths of a second.
Electronic dice. The following program should show numbers from 1 to 6 on the display while button 1 is pressed. When you finish pressing button 1, a number from 1 to 6 will remain fixed on the display. Complete the display subroutine to display all the digits from 1 to 6.
Modify the above program so that it also shows another electronic die in position 4 when you press button 4.
Alien counter. This program makes a counter simulation appear on the display with strange symbols that simulate another numbering system. Sometimes it also seems that the display is damaged.