Introduction to Structures¶

- Structure
- It is a set of elements designed to withstand stress without breaking or deforming.
In nature there are a multitude of structures from the trunk that supports a tree to our skeleton. All of them support efforts to overcome gravity and in the case of skeletons they also allow movement.
In the technical field the construction of structures to make homes, boats or vessels is as old as civilization itself. Nowadays, structures can be very complex and allow the construction of buildings, cars, airplanes, bridges, pylons, dams and countless devices without which the current world, as we know it, would not exist.
Origin of structures¶
The structures can be differentiated depending on their origin:
Natural | Tree trunk. Turtle shell. Human skeleton. Mollusk shells. Bird's Nest. |
Artificial | Suspension bridge. Structure of a building. Computer case. Construction crane. Wall. |
Classification of structures¶
Depending on their elements we can classify the structures into the following groups:
- Massive
Formed by a large mass of material with hardly any gaps.
Examples: Water dam. Pyramid. Walls.
- Vaulted
Formed by arches and vaults.
Examples: Gothic cathedral ceiling. Roman bridge. Aqueduct. Pantheon of Rome.
- Triangulated
Formed by bars joined together in triangles.
Examples: Construction crane. Eiffel Tower. High voltage tower.
- Half-timbered
Made up of vertical and horizontal elements.
Examples: Building structure. Chairs and tables. Ladder.
- Pendants
Made up of cables that support the loads.
Examples: Cable car. Cable-stayed bridge or suspension bridge. Construction crane. Zip line.
- Laminar
Formed by a thin sheet or wall.
Examples: Bowl. Turtle shell. Motorcycle helmet. Water tank.
Movement in structures¶
Most structures are built so that they cannot be moved. However, some structures must allow movement in order to function correctly. These structures will continue to resist the forces and their own weight without breaking, but they will allow the movement of some of their parts.
- Mobile structures
They can be moved or are articulated. They support loads while allowing movement.
Examples: Door with hinge. Drawbridge. Wheel chair. Crane.
- Fixed structures
They do not move and cannot be moved.
Examples: Bridge. Building. High voltage tower. Bowl.
List four natural and five artificial structures.
List four massive structures.
Lists four vaulted structures.
List four triangulated structures
List four half-timbered structures
List four hanging structures
List four laminated structures
Indicate the differences between triangulated and truss structures.
Classify the following structures:
- Aqueduct
- Turtle shell
- Computer case
- Helmet
- Mollusk shells
- Bowl
- Human skeleton
- Building structure
- Construction crane
- Church
- Table
- Chinese wall.
- Pyramid.
- Water dam.
- Cable-stayed bridge.
- Suspension bridge.
- Roman bridge
- Chair
- Cableway
- High voltage tower
- Eiffel Tower
- Tree trunk
Indicate what type of structure each of the following sentences refers to:
- Made up of cables that support the loads.
- Made up of vertical and horizontal elements.
- Made up of arches and vaults.
- Formed by a large mass of material with hardly any gaps.
- Formed by a thin sheet or wall.
- Made up of bars joined together in triangles.