HTML Tutorial¶
HTML tutorial to create web pages.
HTML code is used to store the content of web pages. It is a language based on <tags> that identify the different sections of a document.
In the following exercises we will see one by one the most important tags of the HTML language and how they are used to create web pages.

- 1. Introduction to HTML and CSS exercises
- 2. Structure of an HTML page
- 3. Text paragraphs
- 4. Headers of different levels
- 6. New line tags
- 7. Special symbols
- 8. Preformatted text
- 9. Emphasis labels
- 10. External citation block
- 11. Hyperlinks
- 12. Images
- 13. External objects
- 14. Combine image and link tags
- 15. Internal Links Exercise
- 16. Data lists
- 17. Nested lists
- 18. Word definition
- 19. Data tables
- 20. Join cells of a table
- 21. Combine list and table tags
- 22. Combine image and table tags
- 23. Web page project
- 24. Summary of HTML tags