9. LDR-sensor¶
LDR sensor connection diagram¶

Compile and upload the following program to the Arduino. Observe how the measured values change as the LDR sensor is more or less illuminated.
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// // Sensor LDR // #include <Picuino.h> // Inicia Arduino void setup() { pio.begin(); Serial.begin(19200); // Inicializa el puerto serie } // Bucle principal void loop() { // Lee la señal producida por el sensor LDR int ldr = analogRead(A1); // Muestra la señal por pantalla pio.dispWrite(ldr); Serial.print("LDR = "); Serial.println(ldr); // Espera medio segundo delay(500); }
Make a program that emits different notes depending on the light received by the LDR sensor. Replace the wait time in the previous program with the following lines of code.
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// Theremin con sensor LDR pio.buzzTone(500 + ldr*2); delay(64); pio.buzzTone(0); delay(128);